zondag 8 november 2009

A miracle!

Yesterday was a miraculous day!

I was at my work on saturday and when I looked out, I saw my tomos was stolen.
Panic all around. Oh no it is stolen!!! NOO! I was very very sad about this. So I called the police to make notice that my Tomos was stolen. They said that they would do everything to find it back, but I didn't hope on this. So after my work, I went looking for my moped with my boss and my colleague Pasquelino. But we didn't find my Tomos back:(
When I got home I told the news to my mother and she was not to happy.
But then another colleague of mine, Erwin called and he said that he wanted to search with me for my Tomos. So we started our search at Oisterwijk, or Oisterven how Mr. Bruynzeels would call it:P. After about an hour we finally found my Tomos back, but it was chained to another Tomos, which was also stolen. So I called the police and my boss came too with a bolt cutter. But even the bolt cutter, couldn't cut through the chain. But my boss had a big car with him, so we loaded the two Tomos'es in and we drove to my work where the whole story began. There we cut the chain loose with an angle grinder. So i got my Tomos back and another guy from Haaren too. It was truely a miracle!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

1 opmerking:

  1. See? Now someone IS following your blog!
    It helps if you give out the URL, of course. ;)

    Don't forget to post your Written Tasks, too.
